Recap ama of Vladimir VS Volodymyr

7 min readMar 25, 2022



👉AMA will consist of 2 phases
➡️ Part 1: Introduction about the project
➡️ Part 2 : Telegram direct questions


➡️ Part 1: Introduction about the project

➡️Host ( Devlin ) : Q1 : Can you introduce yourself as well as briefly introduce ( vlad_vs_volod )to the community?

➡️Guest ( Cario ) : Hey there guys, first of all I want to say that we are super happy to be given a chance hosting this AMA here with you. Shortly about myself, I am student of Law and CEO of Game Development Company. Been around Crypto myself since 2015 as a trader. Been part of starting team of some successful Meme Coins before like ( AquaGoat, Pitbull ).

We were actually now just Starting Crypto project named CARIO — which is and will be First ever weekly Blockchain car lottery but because of current war situation and market unpredictability we had to pause it for a while from marketing side and as well postpone private sale. Hopefully will be able to resume in 1–2 month time.

Now back to the Vlad VS Volod. Firstly Vlad VS Volod is Charity/Meme/NFT project. Why did i start Currency Called VVV is simple. To support people of Ukraine and acknowledge butchery what is taking place there. I myself know many Ukrainians and have been working with them in past years, my heart is with them in these times. Our aim here is not to support war but people in need. ( Children, Medical Units etc ) but of course by giving us we want to give also back to you.

➡️Host ( Devlin ) : Q2: Can you tell us more about how ( vlad_vs_volod ) works?

➡️Guest ( Cario ) : VVV works pretty simply actually. First i want to mention that our Currency was launched on Solana Network. People are able to buy native VVV token on Raydium Swap by holding this token you will be able to receive weekly airdrop depending how much are you holding currently. In addition to that we have implemented Burning which means 25% of tokens will be burned forever from the total supply. Leaving only 750 000 000 VVV to circulation.

Vlad VS Volod is currently handled as Charity/MEME/NFT token. In which we are mocking Putin and praising Zelensky. Shortly after Stealth Launch of VVV we started working on NFTs. Now our First ever limited collection of 400 NFTs will be rolling out in estimated 1 week time. Once NFTs are released and partially sold we will start developing P2E game. If i did not mention it before i am also running Game Development Company.

NFT sales funds will be located accordingly:
50% will be donated to Ukraine Help Aid
30% will be used as Marketing and Development Funds
20% will be used as Manual BUYBACK and manual BURN

NFT collections:
1st — 400 NFTs (limited edition)
2nd — 1000 NFTs
3rd — 5000 NFTs

➡️Host ( Devlin ) : Q3 : After every successful project will always be marked and often stolen ideas and spawn a similar project, what can make ( vlad_vs_volod ) unique and different in the community?

➡️Guest ( Cario ) : First of all there is none similar project in our knowledge. Different is that We are charity, meme, nft, p2e project. After war has cooled down we will remain as HISTORIC meme token. Why so ? It is because world will not forget Putins war crimes and we will stay here to remind it with our Play2Earn game and our ever growing community.

With our current plan and roadmap our supply will be constantly decreasing which means that price floor will be rising, i think not all the projects here will be able to state the same.

More info about development and updated roadmap will be coming soon! Can t feed you all on plate once 😊

➡️Host ( Devlin ) : Q4 : Can you tell us more about ( vlad_vs_volod )Tokenomic?

➡️Guest ( Cario ) : Yes sure. I will take deep dive into our Tokenomics.
Total Supply was 1 000 000 000 VVV from which now is left 950 000 000 VVV.

40 % — Is used as Liquidity from which 20% is currently in Raydium pool and 20 % will be going into our first ever CEX listing pool. We re currently in talk with some listing partners like Whitebit, Coinsbit and Bitmart.

40% — Is used as Airdrops and burn ( 25% ) of it is for burn and ( 15% ) is used as airdrops to our community

10% — Is used as Charity funds. We have hand picked our Charities which can be found on website. All Charity donations will be Polled with community meaning, community will decide how much to give for which Charity.

5% — Is used as Marketing Funds

5% — Is used as Core Team Funds

You can find more information on our website :

➡️Host ( Devlin ) : Q5 : Can you tell us more about the next plans that ( vlad_vs_volod ) is focusing on developing ?

➡️Guest ( Cario ) : Vlad VS Volod first plan and stop is NFTs which will be released in 3 batches.

1st batch — 400 NFTs ( 7 days estimated release time )
2nd batch — 1000 NFTs
3rd batch — 5000 NFTS

Once our first batch is released we will start to developing game called Vlad VS Volod from which our native currency used will be the same VVV token. People will be able to play and earn VVV. Game will be released on Android and iOS devices + Client and WEBGL version for more information regarding game development and updates keep your eye out on our socials. 🤩

(Keep in mind that name of the game can be changed as this is not yet 100% in place)


➡️ Part 2 : Telegram direct questions

➡️Telegram ( Massie ) : Q1 . Can you explain how is your Tokenomics Distribution? How many tokens Will be minted ? And How many tokens Will be locked by the team?

➡️Guest ( Cario ) : Tokens have been already minted as project was stealth launched and we got to work already on NFTs so there was no presale. There were 1 000 000 000 Tokens totally minted from which is left 950 000 000 in Circulating Supply. As it is Solana project non Tokens have been locked by the Team but i can assure you they wont be touched as Team has invested their own funds under as holders.

➡️Telegram ( Patsy Perez ) : Q2. Security and anonymity are always prioritized by BlockChain projects in the development of project platforms and technologies. So, does you have any technological solutions or plans to enhance user trust in these issues?

➡️Guest ( Cario ) : We will be conducting KYC with our CEX listing and we will be also Conducting Hacken audit in near future before we start implementing VVV currency into our game

➡️Telegram ( Khang Trâm ) : Q3 . Non-crypto user is very important for mainstream adoption. How you are planning to attract non-crypto users towards your project? Is there any upcoming partnership that will brings non-crypto user and real-use case?

➡️Guest ( Cario ) : Currently we are not focused on attracting non-crypto users into our project. Our goal is to attract users already in the crypto world. Others will find their way themselves. Only thing what might bring interest of Non Crypto world users are NFTs ( but i would say these people are also considered as crypto users ) :)

We will get back to that once our Game Development starts

➡️Telegram ( MAURO IFA OLÁ ) : Q4 . Marketing is a central element for every project, so that everyone knows the potential that a project can bring is vital to achieve the goals set. What is your strategy to attract new users and Investor to your platform and keep them long term.

➡️Guest ( Cario ) : I can tell you what are we doing currently. Right now for marketing.

1. E-mail marketing campaigns, em-ail marketing blast, e-mail bulk sending, bulk e-mail blast (create viral awareness of your NFTs to a large number of audience)

2. Social media promotions (facebook, reddit, twitter, instagram, linkedin, Tumblr, pinterest)

3. Google SEO and backlinks

4.Active Nft forums posting

5.Guest Posting

6.Daily briefing of news to create engagements

7. Creating a converting Ads on Facebook or Google Vast or viral audience research (google trends, social media)

8. Setup a complete Sales funnel which includes Landing page + E-mail automation + media + Fb/ Google ads + pixel installation + Web integration + Optimization

➡️Telegram ( Bob Rhodes ) : Q5. What are the benefits of holding your token as long term investment? Can you tell us about the motivation and benefits for investors to keep the your token in the long run?

➡️Guest ( Cario ) : Our token Holder as stated before are eligible for weekly airdrops depending on how much do they hold. In addition to that once our P2E game is released, he will be able to use the same tokens in our game to play and earn even more.

We have also running different competitions for holders. We re giving away SOL tokens and NFTs. Meaning if you are holder you might win additionally NFT or SOL tokens

_____________________AMA END _________________________________




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